Goals & Objectives

Ensure staff are aware of existing resources.

  1. Support the current revision efforts to onboarding process for all staff.

  2. Share tools and communicate pathway requirements.

  3. Continue to remind others about existing employee resources.

Establish a culture of continuous feedback and education.

  1. Align with key partners across the Lab to provide input on dynamic constituent interests requiring business operations support.

  2. Shepherd the PMP cycle through the full review period for year round support.

  3. Utilized as focus group to develop shared expectations and language between staff and supervisors. Improve employer signaling of news and changes.

Build a sustainable, scalable approach to workforce development and skills training.

  1. Provide workshops and an SME to answer questions based on staff demand. Continue investing in workforce to increase engagement, performance, and retention.

  2. Establish cross-training, talent mobility program to strategically fill temporary positions, prepare for succession planning, and preserve expertise.

  3. Collaborate with the Career Pathways Office, Early Career ERG, and other groups to launch a Lab-wide mentorship program open to all staff.